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Update 1 September

Everytime I want to start doing my homework, there came a lazy mind. But at the same time, I want to write something. Something like this writing. I don’t know why, but it’s always happened this way.
I should start make a decision about what is important, and what I really want to do. My school task is way more important, but I don’t like to do it. I want to start writing an article, some short stories, but it could be done in another day.

Doing my school task means a future for me. A really simple thing to do. Just write some formulas, or write an essay for about one page. In the next day, your teacher take your task, give you a score for it. And it’s really important after you graduate from high school. But, writing is my future too. It’s my decision. Which way i want to choose? Both decision have a risk to face. You want to be writer? You will get a job as a writer. You can write an article for magazine, or some local paper. Or maybe a novel writer. Both earns money. But this is not about that. Despite that I need money, this is more than that. It’s about my passion.(?)

Every people will love their job when they enjoy it. ..............................

I’m thinking too far. I should go back to the present fact.

That I need to graduate from this school. This ‘formal’ education. I don’t want to waste my parents money. It’s million. A million Rupiahs that my parents have been waste for my schools need a billion sacrifice. Really big sacrifice. Their time. Their mind. Their body.

Yeah. Some radical minds always come to t(h)reat my life. Make me doing some stupid decision. Make me feel that I’m an adult that no longer controlled by my parents. Well, I’m already an adult. There is no ‘teenage-phase’ in Islam. Just child and adult. The time when you get wet on your dream for the first time (not pee-ing. You know what I mean.), that’s time when you are no longer stand as a child, but as an adult. You know the different about what is good and what is not good. But, you are not mature enough. Not yet. It’s different for being an adult and being a mature. You will see that there is so many adult people who still have a childlish mind. Want an example? Go see some radical-college student that just ‘koar-koar’ because of some issue but no ‘real’ action have been made. Even they are vandalizing the public place. They said it’s because the justice still unfair. Did they really think about what they have done? All the tax that have been paid by society wasted into a trash.

Now I’m doing it again. I’m thinking about other people. Back to myself.
Emang udah ada hal yang kamu korbanin untuk nyenengin orang tua? Apa? Uang? Gak cukup bro! Waktu? Waktu mereka lebih banyak terbuang untuk ngebesarin anaknya dibanding lu. Gak bisa lu bales pake apapun. Tapi bisa gak lu hargain orang yang udah korbanin banyak hal buat lu biar lu bisa sampe kayak sekarang ini? Orang tua gak butuh balas budi dari kamu. Tapi yang penting cuma gimana kamu menghargai pengorbanan mereka.

Sekarang balik ke diri sendiri. Kenapa sih kamu harus nyepelein hal seperti bikin pr? I know it’s your habit to just copied your friends work, but can you change it now? It will affect yourself in the other day. Gue tau ngerjain pr itu emang ngebosenin. Dengan sebegitu banyaknya pelajaran yang mesti dipelajarin yang sebenernya gak ngaruh sama pekerjaan yang kamu cita-citakan. Apa hubungannya fisika modern kalo kamu Cuma pengen jadi hacker? Apa hubungannya kima kalo kamu Cuma pengen jadi fotografer? Memang ada beberapa hubungannya, TAPI ITU CUMA BEBERAPA!

Tapi sebenernya bukan itu yang mesti lu ambil dari sekolah. Lebih dari Cuma sekedar tempat untuk ngambil pendidikan formal dan belajar pelajaran-pelajaran formal, sekolah adalah gambaran dari kehidupan kamu yang sebenarnya. Sebuah simulasi yang menyiapkan kamu untuk menghadapi jenjang kehidupan yang lebih tinggi. Kehidupan dimana kamu gak tergantung sama orang tua lagi. Kehidupan dimana kamu punya tanggung jawab penuh atas kelangsungan hidup kamu sendiri. Don’t you realize that there is so much people stressed because they have a ton of work? Because they made a mistake on a page but it make them to work it back from a scratch?Because they accidentally delete their 8-months of work, and unfortunately it can’t be recovered? Some of them don’t really like their current jobs, but it needed to survive. To make a child like you grown up as a healthy man and get a good life.

Sekolah itu emang hanya sedikit dibandingkan dengan dunia kerja yang sebenarnya. Kalau kamu gagal memanage diri kamu di sekolah, udah bisa diprediksi kamu juga akan gagal di kehidupan kamu dimasa depan. Kalo kamu gak MAU berubah sekarang, atau maunya nanti aja, dipastikan kamu gak akan pernah merubahnya. And that ‘Entar’ button always pressed everytime some warning message popping out from your screen. You just ignore it. And you don’t realize that virus just eating your system, little by little.


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Update 3: Living as a Success Lvl: Gamers tingkat Pelajar (Mid September 2012)

Siapa nih yang download!!!!??? Lambat bego!!! Halah, judulnya belibet begitu. Tidak mendidik malahan kalo Cuma baca judulnya. Tapi ini postingan serius (insya Allah, niatnya emang begitu. Tapi gak tau juga sih nantinya gimana). This is an article about living your life as a gamer, tapi yang masih pelajar. Emm, lebih kayak curhatan gue sendiri sih mungkin. Tapi ya, daripada gak ngupdate ini blog, mendingan lah. Game adalah permainan. Apa aja deh, yang penting permainan. Gak usah dijelasin lagi juga udah pada tau kan? Buat anak-anak dulu sebelum adanya game konsol keluar, yang banyak dimainkan ya kayak petak umpet, polisi-polisian, tak jongkok (eh, bener kan ya nulisnya kayak gini...??), lompat tali, dan banyak deh game outdoor lain yang menyenangkan dan menyehatkan (sehat dong! Kan banyak bergerak itu sehat).

Ib, The Game

Kali ini gue mau ngebahas satu game nih. Kayaknya ini kedua kalinya gue nge-review game. Terakhir kali nge-review game Silent Hill, sekitaran dua tahun yang lalu. Game konsol horror pertama yang gue kenal dan gue mainin. Sekarang game Silent Hill udah sampe ke seri Downpour yang dirilis untuk PS3 dan XBOX 360 (gak ada buat PC..... L ) dan pertengahan Oktober nanti film adaptasi dari Silent Hill 3, berjudul “Silent Hill Revelation” juga akan dirilis, di Amerika (gak ada buat Indonesia.... makin :nohope gue ).  Tapi ini bukan mau ngebahas tentang Silent Hill kok. Tapi tentang game berjudul  Ib.